Thursday, January 24, 2008

My first post

So this is my first blog post, on my first blog. I'll just give some detail on who I am and why I decided to blog.

My name is Sarah Bergstrom. I'm a 28 year old happily married woman, living in Seattle, WA. I graduated from Apollo College last year, in Medical Billing and Coding and then moved from Albuquerque, NM all the way to Seattle, WA.

In a nut shell, I've been looking for ways to spend my breaks and lunch at work that don't involve spending time in the cafeteria alone. My job involves spending copious amounts of time sitting in the same chair, in the same position, doing the same things on the computer. I don't need to run off and get something to eat everytime I want to do something not work-related.

I also need a way to talk about all of the job-related things that go on here, so that my husband won't be driven crazy by boring Coding stuff. I love my job, but that doesn't mean it is for everyone!

So, I work at Harboview Medical Center, a Level 1 Trauma center in the heart of Seattle. If ever there were a crazy place to be, it would be at such a place. I've been here since August 21st, 2007 and I really love it! I like the people and the work. The company I work for is really awesome.

I currently code for Physical Rehabilitation, and Psychology. Both are interesting areas full of lots of stuff for me to do. Speaking of which, I'll go get back to it now.

1 comment:

SiderisAnon said...

Welcome to Cyberspace, Sarah. Now that you've got a blog, I've got something else to read in my copious free time.

Heck, if I make a salad and then read you and Rolfe's blogs, it's almost like you're still here.
